高通量波長分散式X射線螢光分析儀 (Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence,WDXRF)
廠牌型號:Rigaku ZSX Primus IV
Installation Date:2016.08.09
Rigaku ZSX Primus IV
- Service:
- Elemental analysis for solid, liquid, powder and thin film type
- Thickness analysis of coating
- Point and mapping analysis by WDX system
- Multi-element 2-dimentional micro mapping
- 服務內容:
- 分析組成:元素範圍涵蓋4Be~92U;適用於固體、液體、粉末、薄膜等不同樣品形式; 定性、半定量與定量分析
- 針對塗層進行膜層厚量測及組成分析
- 微區Mapping 掃瞄可作元素分佈圖及使用CCD 試片觀察
- 自動進樣功能提高分析效率
- Instrumental Specification:
- Element range: 4Be - 92U, ppm~100%, wavelength dispersive
- X-ray tube: Rh target 4kW, max voltage: 60 kV, Be window: 30µm
- Sample mask/holder (48sets), automatic sampling device
- Sample size : 51mm(D)x30mm(H), analysis area : max ϕ 30 mm
- Goniometer: Continuous scan and step scan, crystal: 7 sets
- scanning angle range : 5° - 118° (SC), 13° - 148° (F-PC)
- Micro mapping analysis:
- Elemental mapping analysis and CCD sample observation
- Moving distance :100 µm (min), analysis size: 500 µm (min)

Field-Flow Fractionation and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (FFF-ICP-MS)
廠牌型號:POSTNOVA/AF 2000, Agilent/7900
Installation Date:2016.09.20
- Service:
- AF4 used to separate macromolecules, colloids, nano- and microparticles according to their size. In AF4, the elution time is related to hydrodynamic diameter of sample. The samples are size-separated in a thin open channel with laminar flow under the influence of a perpendicular external field.
- ICP-MS enables to detect even very low concentrations. Various elements can be traced simultaneously. AF4 coupled to ICP-MS can provide size-based elemental distributions. AF4 was also coupled to ICP-MS running in single particle mode, to generate size distributions with particle number concentrations for nanoparticles.
- Specification:
- Principle Measurement Range:
- Particles : 1 nm to 100 μm
- Polymers : 500 Da to 10E12 Da - Temperature Range:5°C to 80°C
- Carrier Liquids:
- Aqueous : pH from 2 – 11
- Organic : THF, MeOH, etc. - Detectors : multiple detectors in line
- Channel Flow Range : 0 - 10 mL/min
- Cross Flow Range : 0 - 8 mL/min
- Pressure Limit : 0 - 35 bar
- Injection volume : 1 - 1000 μL
- Injection method : via PN5300 autosampler
- Mass analyzer:Quadrupole)
- Mass range:2-260 amu
- Sensitivity:Li≧30 Mcps/ppm;Y≧150 Mcps/ppm; Tl≧90 Mcps/ppm
- Oxide ratio: CeO+/Ce+ ≤ 1.5 %
- Double-Charged ratio:Ce2+ / Ce+ ≤ 3.0 %
- Short-term stability (RSD): ≤ 2% (20 min)
- Long-term stability (RSD): ≤ 3% (2 hrs)
- Background :Mass 9≦ 5 cps