傳統樣品製備方式容易在乾燥的過程中改變原始形貌,透過低溫樣品製備(Cryo TEM)之電子束可穿透物體的特性可針對微脂體內部藥物結晶情形進行解析。透過低溫樣品製備(Cryo FIB),可針對一般冷凍後樣品進行表面與截面結構分析。
Cryopulnges TM3
- 技術規格:
- 溫度:≦-170℃
- 觀測電壓: 120、200 kV
- 操作步驟
- Liquid nitrogen workstation filled with liquid nitrogen
- Place the Liquid ethane and the grid box into the workstation
- Filling cup with ethane
- Load sample and Blot the specimen
- Sample plunged into cryogen
- Put grids into storage container
JEM-2100F / EDS(Oxford X-MAX 80mm2)
- JEM-2100F功能簡介:
- 場發射穿透式電子顯微鏡,對同時分析材 料影像、微結構、成份、鍵結等訊息,主要功能有高解析影像 (High Resolution Lattice Image)、掃瞄穿透式影像 (STEM image)與高角度環狀暗場像 (HAADF)、EDS成份分析與Mapping、EELS電子能量損失光譜與Mapping等。
- Specification:
- electron gun:ZrO/W (100), Schottky type (field emission)
- accelerating voltage:max.200 KV
- magnification :50 X~1,500,000 X
- tilt angle:±25 degree
- Probe Size:
- TEM Mode: 2 ~ 5 nm (diameter)
- EDS Mode: 0.5 ~ 2.4 nm (diameter)
- NBD Mode: 0.5 ~ 2.4 nm (diameter)
- CBD Mode: 0.5 ~ 2.4 nm (diameter)
- Resolution:
- Point Resolution::0.19 nm (can achieved to 0.136 nm)
- Lattice Resolution:0.1 nm
- Appendix:
- EDS、EELS、STEM、HAADF、Digiscan Image Acquisition System
- EDS(Oxford X-MAX 80mm2):
- 偵測範圍 原子序5以上
- 能量解析度 Mn Ka<133eV
FEI Nova 200
- Accelerating Voltage:
- Electrons : 0.2 ~ 30 KV
- Ions : Up to 30 KV
- Electron Filament:
- Schottky field emitter
- SEM Resolution:
- 3.5 nm @ 30 KV at high vacuum
- 3.5 nm @ 30 KV in ESEM mode
- <15 nm @ 3 KV in low vacuum mode
- Ion Resolution:
- 7 nm @ 30 KV @ 1pA
- Specimen stage:
- 5-axis motorized stage, 50 x 50 mm
- What situations you need cryo -observation:
- Hydrated samples
- Soft materials
- Samples are affected by e-beam or i-beam at RT
- Frozen state is the native state
傳統樣品製備方式容易在乾燥的過程中改變原始形貌,透過低溫樣品製備(Cryo TEM)之電子束可穿透物體的特性可針對微脂體內部藥物結晶情形進行解析。

透過低溫樣品製備(Cryo FIB),可針對一般冷凍後樣品進行表面與截面結構分析。